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Posted by TheFonz undefined- undefined- undefined 0 comments

It caught me right away after reading this article that the English team are set to sleep in special altitude tents in preparation for this summer's World Cup. This special tents will actually helps to stimulate the body's natural adaptations to altitude. Altitude for this year World Cup is set to be around 1,750m. The main function is to create the high altitude environment, by lowering the oxygen level in the tent. If you have asthma & difficulties to breath, stay away from this!! So, what does it look like?

This is the one that the English squad will be using. Will Beckham & Victoria 4th kid, "Maria Beckham" to be made here? or will John Terry bang another WAG this summer in this cosy tent ? Only time can tell.

This is the tent that was used by Craig Bellamy during his injury time in West Ham. "“I sleep at altitude every night.I’ve got my own tent and everything. It’s supposed to speed up your recovery. It helps your endurance, helps your speed – it makes you a fitter athlete. So we’ll see in time.”

If you fancy something different for your honeymoon, try request for this tent to spice up the night